Friday, April 28, 2017

Ah, What A Beautiful Day!!!

April 28, 2017

Good morning.  Goodness, today is another simply gorgeous day.  Temps will probably hit 80F degrees later today, the sun keeps smiling down on us and my flag is waving in the breeze.  Pogo and I will definitely be spending time out on the porch today.

Well, I decided to put the afghan away for a while and start another hat and scarf set.  This new set will be "Jade" and so far it is looking rather pretty.  I'd like to get out to JoAnn's Fabric store to find some yarn for a new baby blanket.  Yup, there'll be another new great grandbaby in a few months.  This time, a boy.  Woo Hoo!!!

This morning I've been watching a couple episodes of "Long Lost Family" (on TV).  This program tries to find and reunite family members who have been separated their whole lives, usually due to adoptions.  It's amazing to watch the process that these folks go through to find the missing family members.  It's so heartwarming when they are able to locate and reunite a lot of these folks.

Today I have a couple photos to share that Janicee took last week while she and Deanne were walking through the park.  First if one of the resident swans, and second is the waterfall.  It's good to see it running again.  While we were having the serious drought conditions, the waterfall was not running.  This year, though, we've been blessed with enough rainfall to ease the drought.

Some new plants that I ordered a while back have just been delivered, so I'm hoping that the kids can come by soon to plant them for me.  I'll take photos after I open the boxes.  I believe one of the them is dahlias.  Hmmm, these bulbs would need to be dug up in the Fall and re-planted again in the Spring.  I'm thinking that maybe I should have ordered bulbs that could just stay in the ground.  Ah well, maybe they can be planted in pots.  I'll look into that.

Now I think I'll make some lunch for Pogo and me.  Afterwards, we'll sit out on the porch and Pogo can watch for the mailman.  So, till Sunday, Y'all have a fantabulous weekend. 

Hugs, Edna B.


Unknown said...

Oh Edna,
The swan and waterfall is just so beautiful. I think that you should consider those pictures for your calendar next year (Hint Hint)... What an amazing treat to be able to walk along and just relish that delicious site.

Cisco is sleeping at my feet. He hasn't been leaving my side much at all during the day but at night he can't wait to hang out with the guys. They rough house with him and he likes that.
So far Chicki is still in one piece. Baby on the other hand is looking a bit ragged but it is so funny. Jonathan comes in at night to play with him and Chicki and Baby and he has to hunt for them. Last night they were both buried up under my robe and he was laying on top of them. Jonathan enticed him with a bone and when he did he found both toys. Cisco grabbed the bone and jumped on top of both of them so Jonathan couldn't get to either of them. It was so funny. Jonathan prevailed tho and they played hide and seek. Jonathan put them under my pillows and laid down on top of them until Cisco started barking at him and he gave him his toys.

The diet is working. I must have lost a few pounds as well because my pants are falling off of me this morning. I have to keep pulling them up, but that is ok. I have a few that I can spare to lose. My blood sugar has been in the normal range 2 days in a row now.

I have to go to the doctor in a little while. So I am having luck with the diet but the sleeping is not working. Went to sleep at 5 this morning and up at 8 and took Cisco for a walk. I didn't even have to use my walker but I did take my cane. I am so tired tho. As soon as I get home I am laying down. I know they don't want me to but I just can't go without some sleep.

I bought a new box of Oatmeal and thought that I would have a small bowl for dinner last night. I cooked it and seen some brown things. I thought that they must be dark grains but putting the oatmeal from the pan to my bowl I thought... No that is not dark oats. I took the box from the pantry and found weevils. So I have to throw out all boxed items and call them into spray. How they got in a sealed box I have no idea but I am not taking any chances and I have lost my taste for oatmeal.... (Sigh).

Well Karyn should be here any time take me to the doctor so I will go for now. You and Pogo have an awesome time in that 80 degree sunshine sitting on the front porch. I can't wait to see photos of your new hat and scarf. Jade is so beautiful... Hugs to you both, Love, Cisco and Beth and The Gang!

smiekeltje said...

Hopefully my internet will not play tricks with me now. I tried to place a comment on an earlier post, but couldn;t.
Now hoping i remember all I read LOL.
Well, paying bills, then chatting with some dwarfs and watering plants is already quite an achievement. So you did well that day.
The tulips look really gorgeous.
Pogo is like Brodski. They know at what time they can expect to have something to eat and from whom!
Oh, that ham with some mashed potatoes and veggies and then applepie sounds delicious!
Today Jan and I will have chicken livers with bacon, some boiled potatoes and red cabbage.
About the dahlia's. You can pujt most of them in bigger pots and then put the pots inside during wintertime. And just take a look at them every other year, if they are too big, you can split the bulbs and have more dahlia's.
I will have to put mine in the soil soon, I will do that about half of May.
I must have forgotten some things to comment on, please forgiv e me LOL.
Take care and have a great week, hopefully with nice enough weather to sit on the porch!