Sunday, August 22, 2010

Maybe Some Sprinkles For Us Today?

August 22, 2010
Good morning. It's a lovely gray Sunday morning. The weather forecast says we will have rain today and thunderstorms tonight. Actually, it says it should rain straight through Wednesday. So, we shall see.

Last night, Moo and his friend Joe had a fantastic time at the Music Circus, while Tootsie and I chilled out in front of the TV set. Moo was enjoying a wonderfully funny comedian, and Tootsie and I were snoozing on and off to old re-runs.

Miss Tootsie seems to be slowing down a bit. She doesn't walk so fast, but just touch one of her chewies, and she perks right up. The texture on the new floor tiles seems to be working out pretty good because she can walk on them just fine with no slipping. The salesman at the store was a bit flabbergasted to think that people actually buy tiles to make life easier for a dog rather than to beautify a room. Good thing we all don't think alike.

Today I have some photos of a busy bumble bee for you. These critters will sometimes sit for a few seconds in one spot so that you can actually get a decent close-up.
"Peek-a-boo, I see you!"

You know, yesterday I think my brain took a small vacation for itself. I did all my activities around the thought that I had to work last night. It wasn't until about 4:30 that I realized I had the night off. It felt good to have a weekend night off. Aha, but back to the working world tonight.
Before I leave, I want to share a story that was on television a few nights ago. The reporter was doing a story about a woman celebrating with her friends. This lady had just been made an honorary Deputy Sheriff in Virginia, after finishing a twelve week course in Law Enforcement. She was 102 years old! Isn't this just awesome????
Okay, as promised, I do have a freebie for you. It's a small set of papers made from one of my photos. I hope you can use them. Now I'm off to make a second cup of coffee, and look through the weekend sale papers. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a magnificent day.
Hugs, Edna B.
Preview "Nature Papers Set 001"

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